No more yuckies! Make them go away! Well, we've had an crazy past week or so. Little John was so fussing and very much not himself. After many sleepless nights, I finally broke down and took him to the doctor on Easter Morning. He has bronchitis... no fun. This truly has been the cold that won't go away! He is taking a medicine for his cough and that seems to be helping break up all the yuck in his chest. The Dr. also prescribe an antibiotic, but will wait on that one until absolutely necessary. I thought this article about antibiotic overuse was interesting.
Anyway, on a more fun note.... even though I've almost lost my mind with no sleep... the kids still make me smile. Ava's vocabulary and reasoning skills keep blossoming and I love being able to see inside her little brain. I also am sometimes overwhelmed at how much she looks like me, it's like having flashbacks to my childhood. Weird, but so cool how God makes our kids! John is pulling up and loves to stand. I love the big proud smile that he has when he pulls himself up. It reminds me of my Daddy's proud smile... the one where his nostrils flair a bit and he almost gets teary eyed. I know how happy that look makes me... I hope our kids know how much we love and how proud we are of them.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Posted by Boni Faith Haynes at 6:57 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
What a week so far! Sunday at church started it out with a bang. Ken Freeman, an evangelist from Texas, brought the message and what a message it was! He's very "in your face" about God and salvation, but that was just the message some needed to hear... 15 people were saved! How awesome is that!?!
I do have to admit that Sunday brought some questions into my mind. I think I was wondering.. "Why did it take someone new to bring people to Christ?", "Is our church doing something wrong the other 51 weeks in the year?" I guess I had never really stopped and thought about an evangelist and their role vs. a pastor and his role. The wisdom of my smart husband (Thanks Baby!) and this helped clear up my brain a bit...
"He gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors/teachers."
He states the reason in the next verse:
"to prepare God's people for works of service so that the body of Christ may be built up."
Just like your physical body has different members with different roles (the ear has a work of service to do and the eyes have a role and the hands have a role), each part of the body serves the body at the command of the head.
In the body of Christ, each member serves Christ. He is the head of the body of Christ (Colossians and I Corinthians 12.) The hand cannot say to the eye, "I do not need you." Each member is important for growth.
In the Kingdom (Body) of Christ, it is the same. Each member has a role and each must discover the gift God gives them. They should then use it as Christ commands.
The teacher (pastor/shepherd/Elder) and the preacher (Evangelist) are both proclaimers of God's word but they are different areas of service. The biblical role of pastor/teacher is that of a shepherd; one that tends or cares for the flock. He must also be "qualified to teach" God's word. The Evangelist (preacher) is a proclaimer of the good news of Christ's death, burial and resurrection. He converts sinners. He brings the lost into the flock. The teacher/pastor then cares for them and brings them to maturity. Each area of service is unique.
A bunch of us from Cornerstone are leaving today for Unleash at NewSpring church in South Carolina. Unleash is designed to challenge, encourage, and motivate church leaders to take action to reach their communities for Christ. I'm very excited about how we can use the knowledge we'll gain from this to help grow our church.
Posted by Boni Faith Haynes at 7:48 AM 10 comments
Saturday, March 8, 2008
New set of wheels
We got a double jogging stroller and we love it! I had been looking at them and reading reviews for a while, but they were just too expensive. "Ma" (Norma) bought it for us and for her so that she would have something for both kids. Thanks so much Ma! It's just your basic jogging stroller, but it does have a front swivel wheel. That makes a world of difference. The older single one that we had was so hard to turn and maneuver. This one also collapses easily with the touch of a button, much better that taking the wheels off of the old one. And you know that the fact that it's brown with orange and aqua accents is a plus... my favorites! Now, I really can't wait for spring to get here. Look out New River Trail.... here we come!
Posted by Boni Faith Haynes at 4:09 PM 2 comments
Friday, March 7, 2008
Baby needs a new pair of shoes

Well, Ava loves her "new hoos" and wants to wear them all the time! She wore them to bed during nap time then first day we got them. So I guess I don't have to question the comfort! I'm hoping to have a glory baby open house one evening very soon. But you don't have to wait for the open house... go in and check them out!!
Posted by Boni Faith Haynes at 4:55 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Happy Birthday Travis
Today is the birthday of my best friend, my husband, my hero... my Travis. God has blessed me beyond measure by allowing me to share life with such an awesome man. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to express to him in words, how much he means to me. I adore his sweet and caring heart, his amazing mind, and his quick wit. He has been such a wonderful husband... much better than I deserve, for the past 5 years. I remember thinking on our wedding day, how I could never love him anymore than I did on that day. I was most certainly wrong. Every day my love for him has grown. I love… when he goes out of his way to do something sweet for me, the way he works so hard so that I can stay home, what an incredible Daddy he is to our kids, his heart for God and his one dimple smile that melts my heart. I am so grateful to God for this man. Happy Birthday Baby... I love you.
Posted by Boni Faith Haynes at 12:00 AM 1 comments