Thursday, May 1, 2008

Brown Bear, Brown Bear

I had a very special treat last night. I was putting Ava to bed (which is usually Daddy time, but he was working at the loft) and we were reading stories. Then she said "Ava read cories to Mama, " and she proceeded to read me "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?". She "read" the whole book... word for word! I was almost in tears I was so proud! That book has not been one that we've read a whole lot and I am totally impressed with her memory. Much, much better than her Mama's! Isn't God so cool to give us the such a fun gift of children! He knew we would get to delight in their little moments and celebrate those... even on not so fun days. I think I've posted this before but I just love this version of Psalm 139:13-16
Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out;
you formed me in my mother's womb.
I thank you, High God—you're breathtaking!
Body and soul, I am marvelously made!
I worship in adoration—what a creation!
You know me inside and out,
you know every bone in my body;
You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit,
how I was sculpted from nothing into something.
Like an open book, you watched me grow from
conception to birth;
all the stages of my life were spread out before you,
The days of my life all prepared
before I'd even lived one day.
I think God enjoyed that moment last night too... watching his creation blossoming into a big girl, my daily prayer is that my life is such that He can enjoy watching the Mama too.


Anonymous said...

AWWWW...Too sweet.
Thanks for sharing..
I can almost guarantee that HE enjoys watching the Mama too. You're an awesome Mommy!

Anonymous said...

Boni: Here's a blog I've started, just thought you might want to check it out sometime:

Unknown said...

Aww! I have to read that one to my kids all the time! Aidan "reads" it to me! It was Grace's first too!!