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Today is my step mom's birthday. Dad wanted to do something special for her and she had been watching makeover shows on tv and said how she would like to look different. Well, he asked me for some help and I called my favorite salon.. Hair Classics and we planned a day for her. Well, those of you that know her know that she has cut and colored her own hair for 20 years, so a trip to the salon is a big deal. We tried to keep it a surprise, but on tuesday morning she said she was going to cut and color her hair! Everyone was in on the surprise and tried to tell her how good her hair looked and that it didn't need anything done to it... well that didn't work. So, I hid her color just for insurance so she couldn't do it. Dad finally had to tell her not to do it... he didn't say why just that she couldn't do it.
So on Friday morning Ava & John & I went and picked her up for breakfast. Ava had said a couple of days before that she wanted to take "Pat-Pat" for her "Happy Day" to get a "poomie" (smoothie) at Cones and Coffee. So after our nice breakfast I said.. "Let's walk up to Hair Classics so I can get an appointment for Ava." When we walked in, everyone started singing "Happy Birthday" and Pat was floored!! We told her what was going on and she was so excited... especially that it was Daddy's idea. I did some before pics and listened to Donna say... "let's go red" and Pat saying "NO, NO NO... I want my hair to be it's natural color!" I told her they were going to do her make up and she said.. "No, I want to look the way I always have". What's the point in a makeover Pat Pat?? Well, she had the works!! Cut, color, massage, manicure, and make up. And she did let them make lots of changes. She was at the salon from 11:30-6:30! I think she had a day to remember and she looks awesome. She says she'll be going back. Sorry Dad... I think the days of cheap home hair color are over!!
I think Donna was just as excited, she kept telling us to sing Happy Birthday when she came in, all morning. Ha ha!!
She looks great!!
And that's pretty normal hours for Hair classics ha ha.
My mom is so beautiful...I wish I could have been there!!
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