Thursday, February 7, 2008

One of those days...

Ever had one? Here's a recap of yesterday...

  • John woke up early, screamed in the bathroom with me while I took my shower (which was cold)
  • With John upset, wasn't able to dry or flat iron my hair, which left me with the post pregnancy, half curly, half straight, sheep dog doo
  • Went to get Ava out of her crib... Poopfest of America, she had taken off her diaper...nice
  • Thought we'd all take a bath (because it's easier)... they were both screaming by the end
  • John was so tired but did not want to go back to sleep... finally got him down about 20 minutes before we had to leave to have lunch with the Cox women
  • Got to lunch at Macados... nice to see everyone, pretty uneventful except Ava didn't want to eat... can't really blame her though. I ordered her a cheese pizza and asked the waiter to put some veggies on it... I was thinking broccoli, green peppers, etc.... comes back with tomatoes and lettuce...Who puts lettuce on pizza?
  • On the way home John seemed tired... took the long way so he would fall asleep so that getting Ava down for nap would be a bit easier (met my friend Nicole on the road doing the same thing!!) Opened the door to get him out... and there were two sweet little blue eyes looking at me!
  • Spent the next two hours trying to get them both to sleep.... one would be almost out, the other would wake up and scream, waking the other (house has no doors!) and round and round we went
  • At one point after I'd left Ava in her bed and gone up to get John back to sleep, she started screaming as if something was attacking her. Came down (with John screaming) and she had taken off her diaper and peed in the bed and had tried to take her shirt off, but she had gotten her head out of the hole and behind her but had gotten her arms stuck behind her head and was trapped
  • Cleaned the bed AGAIN and got her situated and ENCOURAGED her to go to sleep
  • Reading this now makes me want to laugh, but at this point I left them both upset and retreated to the bathroom (the only room with a door) and cried. I called Travis and told him we could not have any more kids and that I could not even handle the ones we had and begin to list all the reasons why I was a terrible mother
  • My sweet Travis asked me why I hadn't prayed... I had, but it was one of those desperate pleas for help... not a sincere prayer. I prayed (on the toilet) went back to the kids...told them both how much I loved them and they drifted off to sleep
  • I was still shaking in the aftermath of all of this. Travis had called our friend Tanya to come check on me... she came and knocked on the door ( a little loud!) and when I opened the door I almost punched her! But I did not attack my friend and she let me cry and made me laugh and I felt much better (Thanks Tanya!)
  • Travis brought home supper which was wonderful (but made me then feel like a bad wife because I didn't get something made) and the evening calmed down a bit... well not really, but it was much more bearable because he was here
Today will be better... I've started with prayer, shower and coffee. Still have sheep dog hair, but it doesn't look so bad with a smile on my face.


Anonymous said...

Note to self - Knock softer when appearing at the home of an unsuspecting mama!! Blessed to be part of this mama's day - we all need a friend every now and then! Mama's are what makes the world bearable - they "get it"!!

Anonymous said...

awww Boni!! i'm sorry to laugh but that post made my day, i was almost in tears! you poor thing! lettuce on a pizza? as if your day wasn't hard enough! i'm so sorry that you had such a rough day, you don't give yourself enough credit though, you are a wonderful mother on top of every other role you play wife/firefighter/home designer/church leader...the list goes on! i don't know how you do it :P

Unknown said...

Boni, I totally feel your pain!!

I had to laugh, but the adjustment to having two, is much harder, then the ones that come after it!! Your a great mommy!!

Mandy Moin said...

Boni, you are a great mommy. Don't ever doubt yourself. I must admit I cracked up reading about your horrible day because I have crazy days like that with Ben. Actually, yesterday I took him to hear Trish Miller sing and he had a melt down. He kept wanting to touch her guitar, then I lost his socks, and he must have taken his shoe off somewhere in the mall because when we got to the car it was gone! I just can't imagine having an infat on top of that! You're awesome! Love and miss you bunches...Mandy