Where do the days go?? Life has been so crazy lately. Just trying to get moved in and settled, decorate, cards, and the everyday business.... I can't seem to find the time to breath! We are all loving being in the loft. If things would just jump out of boxes and put themselves away it would be great!
The kids are getting bigger by the second and continue to make me smile (most of the time!) Ava just finished up a semester of ballet and loved it.... here she is doing her thing.
John is our little drummer boy. He loves music and has great rhythm. One of the drummers at church gave him some sticks and they have been his prized possession; eating, bathing and sleeping with them. The second he has escaped from adult arms at church, he's on the drums. Here's a little morning dance for ya.....
We are getting ready for Ava's birthday party this Sunday....can't believe she's going to be three!! We are going small this year..... last years party was awesome, but BIG. We're just having family and a few close friends.
I hope you all are well and remember to slow down and time time to cherish our gift of Jesus... the real Reason for the Season!!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Happenings as of late.....
Posted by Boni Faith Haynes at 9:46 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Happy Day!
This past weekend I turned 31! (and it doesn't even bother me!) Travis work so hard to make it special and it was. On Saturday, Norma (A.K.A. "Ma") kept the kids most of the day and Travis and I were just able to hang out and work at the loft (and use my new super duper industrial vacuum!) and then I took and hour long bath.....(with no interruptions!) and then we had a awesome dinner at Cissy's. He had gone in early and took a balloon and cards and got Cissy to make a whole peanut butter pie just for me! Then after dinner we rode around till very late... something we used to do lots...before babies! The kids spent the night with Ma (John's first night away from Mama) and went to church with her. I thoroughly enjoyed it! (even though I really missed the kids!) After church on Sunday, we went to the farm and had a great time hanging out with the family. We don't all get together very often anymore and it was so nice. God has truly blessed me with 31 years of life and awesome family and friends and I thank Him SO much every day!!!
Posted by Boni Faith Haynes at 11:03 AM 2 comments
Friday, October 31, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
We've moved!!!!!
YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's so great!! We've still got stuff at the little house and things aren't quite done, but I love being here! Ya'll come see us!
Posted by Boni Faith Haynes at 5:02 PM 1 comments
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Still working on it!!
NO, WE HAVE NOT MOVED IN YET!!! There just aren't enough hours in the days. With the fever thing we all had and Travis having major craziness at work lately, only a few things have gotten done.... but we are close... oh, so close! I sometimes try to do the "I Dream of Jeanie" thing and shake my ponytail at all the things in the little house hoping they'll just fly down the hill and place themselves where they should go... I'm still waiting on that to happen!!
Posted by Boni Faith Haynes at 12:59 AM 1 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Birthday Boy
My baby boy is 1 today! I just can't comprehend where the last year has gone. I've always heard how fast your children will grow up, but I guess seeing is believing! We had a party at the loft on Saturday and he seemed to enjoy himself. Our little man... so independent already, wanting to do everything by himself... eat, put on his shoes and buckle his car seat! But when he's sleepy, he still wants his Mama... and I'm glad most of the time! He has been such a joy and his bright smile lights up the room wherever he goes. I am truly blessed to to be the Mama to two of God's awesome gifts.
Posted by Boni Faith Haynes at 5:21 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Before and Almost After
Well, most of you know about The Loft... you know... the thing that has consumed our lives for the past 8 months?!?! We are getting SO close to finishing!!! Just thought I'd show you some before pics and an idea of what we've been up too! Get ready for the moving in party!!
Posted by Boni Faith Haynes at 12:15 AM 6 comments
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Too funny!
No, this is not Ava... but I can totally see her doing this!!!
Posted by Boni Faith Haynes at 12:08 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Back from Nicaragua
Yes, Travis and the Cornerstone Gang are back from Nicaragua. They had an awesome time and Travis is ready for us all to go back next year. I don't think I could describe it like he can so here's a great video from the trip.
Posted by Boni Faith Haynes at 4:16 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Pray for Travis
My Sweet Travis left Sunday for Nicaragua with some folks from our church and Because We Care Ministries. What an awesome chance to serve those in need. But I think this will impact Travis even more than the people he helps and can't wait to hear the stories when he returns. We have talked some on the phone and through email. Technology is amazing! Please keep them all in your prayers this week. ( and us too!)
Posted by Boni Faith Haynes at 5:18 PM 1 comments
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Whirlwind Days
Wow! Life is entirely too busy! It seems like so much has happened since I last wrote. The kids are growing up in a hurry and I can't keep up!
Ava is peeing and pooping in the potty now... (HALLELUJAH!!!) Just a few peeing accidents here and there, but I'm very impressed. She loves to poop... actually it's her stalling technique... anytime she should be going to sleep or doing something she doesn't want to do, it's "Mama I need to go poop." I hate to not take her even though I think she's crying wolf, because a lot of times she does go. I did have to start setting a timer, because she would sit there all day reading her magazine or book if she could. It's just amazing how it just clicks one day in their little brains! I am still putting a pull up on her for nap and bedtime. I think she would probably do OK as she wakes up dry many mornings, but I think it boils down to my laziness! (I wash enough already, right?) She's is enjoying these "almos hummer" days of friends and fun.
Little John is walking!!! Where, oh where, did my baby go? He still holds on to things sometimes, but I counted 8 sweet baby steps on Tuesday. Walking at 9 months seems insane, but I guess he's trying to keep up with big sis! I love the little proud face when we clap and congratulate him... he knows he's cool!! Our friend Jessica gave John is first haircut. He looks SO big now!
We helped celebrate my Grandma's 96th birthday on the 12th. What an awesome lady she is! She seems more like 70 than 96! I love that she still drives and emails and I love that the kids are getting to know their Great Ma.
Our friends Beth and Jason got married this past weekend. Congrats guys!
Travis had a good Father's Day on Sunday. Breakfast in bed, eating and playing outside with the kids after church, a nap and a movie. We are SO blessed to have him in our lives. He's an amazing Daddy and I'm so glad that our kids have a Godly man as a role model and leader.
The loft is moving forward.... slowly, but surely! Mom has been painting, (Thanks SO much Mom!) the kitchen cabinets are in, the floors are being sanded, and the contractor and crew are done. There's still a TON to do, but it's stuff we'll do ourselves. (I say we, but It's mainly my Handyman Extraordinaire, Travis!) It's been incredibly stressful, to say the least. I don't recommend construction or remodeling if you want a peaceful life!
Posted by Boni Faith Haynes at 7:30 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Friday, June 6, 2008
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Organic Eating
We've been trying to eat organically, especially since having kids. I found this on the Horizon website while getting a coupon... Dr. Greene's Organic Prescription. It's his recommendation for which foods are the most important to choose the organic options. I've seen lists very similar to this in other places, I just like the way he explains this. Also, I think this Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce is a great tool to keep in the diaper bag while at the grocery store. Unfortunately, in our small town of dear ol' Galax, it's so hard to find these things.... especially the produce. That's why I'm looking forward to the Galax Farmer's Market this year. The Galax Downtown Association with help from our new Market Master Sara, will be somewhat "new and improved" this year. The market opens next Saturday and we are hoping to have lots of vendors and activities this year. Come check it out!
Posted by Boni Faith Haynes at 10:02 PM 7 comments
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Good Music
Posted by Boni Faith Haynes at 10:18 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 16, 2008
Ready to cry?
Happy Belated Mother's Day Everyone! What an awesome job we have!
I've found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am. Philippians 4:12-13
Posted by Boni Faith Haynes at 8:54 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
I love my Photoshop, but I happened upon this FREE website for photo editing... Picnik.
It's easy, fast and did I mention free!!?! Here's a picture I did in about 2 minutes. So, all of you out there that want to play with your pics a little.... have fun!
Posted by Boni Faith Haynes at 9:07 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Blogging Hiatus
I'm really behind, huh!! So many great things have gone on since my last post.... I'll do a quick recap of it all
- MAY 3 - Our 5th anniversary!!! We had an awesome day! Norma kept the kids all day (thanks SO much Ma!) and we spent the whole day together alone in Boone. So wonderful! I truly enjoyed spending the day with my best friend. I love you Travis!
- MAY 4 - After church we got together at the farm to celebrate my Dad and Sister's birthdays. It's so fun to spend time together as a family. With everyone's busy lives we don't get to do it enough.
- MAY 9 - My Dad's Birthday! Happy Day Pa!
- MAY 10 - Busy day! 1st was our Mother & Daughter brunch at our church. It was a fun time for all.
After that the kids hung out with Ma and we worked at the loft and then I went to CCHS where our band, The Scattered, played for a youth rally.
- MAY 11 - Mother's Day. Church,our sweet Babies were dedicated to the Lord at church today, lunch with our Moms, and then Travis and I saw the local production of Cats.... impressive (if I only knew what they were talking about!)
- MAY 13 - Today- My sister Emily's 31st Birthday! Happy Day Em!!
Posted by Boni Faith Haynes at 6:07 PM 1 comments
Friday, May 2, 2008
National Day of Prayer
Yesterday was the National Day of Prayer and we went to Mt. Airy where we saw Cindy Johnson, a contemporary Christian artist from Winston-Salem, preform a free concert on the front lawn of the Mount Airy Municipal Building. During the observance, Mayor Jack Loftis designated May 1 as a day of prayer in Mount Airy. The event included a message about the powerful role of prayer in people's lives. We really enjoyed hearing Cindy again. We heard her the first time about 6 years ago when we were dating. I hope that we can have something like this in our town next year.
Posted by Boni Faith Haynes at 8:23 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Brown Bear, Brown Bear
I had a very special treat last night. I was putting Ava to bed (which is usually Daddy time, but he was working at the loft) and we were reading stories. Then she said "Ava read cories to Mama, " and she proceeded to read me "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?". She "read" the whole book... word for word! I was almost in tears I was so proud! That book has not been one that we've read a whole lot and I am totally impressed with her memory. Much, much better than her Mama's! Isn't God so cool to give us the such a fun gift of children! He knew we would get to delight in their little moments and celebrate those... even on not so fun days. I think I've posted this before but I just love this version of Psalm 139:13-16
Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out;
you formed me in my mother's womb.
I thank you, High God—you're breathtaking!
Body and soul, I am marvelously made!
I worship in adoration—what a creation!
You know me inside and out,
you know every bone in my body;
You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit,
how I was sculpted from nothing into something.
Like an open book, you watched me grow from
conception to birth;
all the stages of my life were spread out before you,
The days of my life all prepared
before I'd even lived one day.
I think God enjoyed that moment last night too... watching his creation blossoming into a big girl, my daily prayer is that my life is such that He can enjoy watching the Mama too.
Posted by Boni Faith Haynes at 7:24 AM 3 comments
Friday, April 25, 2008
Bum Genius
In yet another effort to save a little $, I just bought some cloth diapers! Joe are you proud?I know nothing about cloth diapering and after going cross eyed reading online this morning, I decided on the Bum Genius 3.0. It's supposed to be the most like disposables. We shall see! I must admit I'm skeptical... ready to try but bit afraid... mainly about the washing. I know that women did it for years... but washing poopie diapers in the same washing machine as our clothes and washcloths that wash our face??!?!?! I'm not so sure about that!! But considering that every diaper I changed was costing a quarter.... this makes sense and we'll also be helping the earth. I will probably just use this on John, because I hope Ava won't need ANY diapers soon, but it's one size fit all so I could. Speaking of Ava... I just got the library to get "Toilet training in less than a day." Jenni had recommended this book after having success with Drew. Ava was almost potty trained before John came, but Mama's laziness after he arrived, didn't help matters. But, now I'm ready... beyond ready, and I think Ava is too! If anyone one has ideas on pottying or knows anything about cloth diapers let me know. So, maybe in a couple of weeks I really will be a Bum genius!!!
Posted by Boni Faith Haynes at 8:43 AM 4 comments
Monday, April 21, 2008
Driving with Mrs. Daisy
Well, I've gone and done it... I've gotten old... at least I'm driving like it! My brilliant husband has discovered that if you drive as if you are an 80 year old, then you can see an increase of at least 5 MPG! As my last post expressed, the lack of funds has become a serious issue, SO extreme situations call for extreme measures. I am now driving at least 5 MPH BELOW the speed limit and shifting the car into neutral whenever possible. At first, the extremely fast, driver daughter of John Cox (those of you who raced me in high school know what I mean!) had serious issues with this and almost broke out in a sweat when someone passed me on the 4 lane. But now, it's become somewhat of a game. I actually enjoy seeing how far the van will coast and how many cars are following me way too close! Just kidding, I enjoy the coasting, but I try to pull off to let the normal folks pass me. When I had just gotten my license and was driving to high school (usually late...imagine that!) I ALWAYS got behind Fred Jackson. (He's passed away now, bless his heart.) His car never topped 25 MPH the whole 5 mile journey into town and he usually had between 15 -20 cars behind him until he pulled off at the Hub to eat his breakfast. So, with that still fresh in my mind... I will be a slow, but courteous driver whenever possible.
So if you spot a tan Honda Odyssey moving at a snails pace, you can say a little prayer that I don't make too many people mad and that we arrive at our destination with just a little bit more gas in our tank and a little more money in our wallet!
Posted by Boni Faith Haynes at 10:58 PM 7 comments
Friday, April 18, 2008
Money, Money, Money
Necessary evil isn't it? God knew that we would have struggles with money. Did you know it's mentioned in the Bible more than ANYTHING? We must have it to survive in today's world, but it can totally ruin you if not managed properly. Well, that's what we're trying to do... manage the stuff!! Our church sponsored a great financial seminar a few weeks ago with Joe Sangl. Here is a guy that is FIRED UP about money and helping people manage it and get out of debt. Check out his website for great tools and I also recommend his book, it's easy and not "over your head!" One of the things that he stressed strongly is a monthly budget. Is your skin crawling yet? Mine was at first, but after I realized the importance of it, I have overcome the dread! With our loft almost to completion, we'll really have to buckle down and be good citizens with our money. Some of his ideas include....
Give - 10% (That's a no brainer!)
Save - 10% (ooow... that's hard!) We know Christmas comes at the same time every year.. save for it... don't put it on the card!
Cash Envelopes - Put your budgeted amount of cash for things like eating out and groceries in an envelope, when it's gone....that's it. (Yes, apparently places still accept cash!)
Work together - Work on this together with your spouse.. make it fun!!
We've done our budget and ick... not pretty! For those you you that normally receive gifts (birthday, Christmas etc.) from us.. get ready for some pipe cleaner, felt cut-out, homemade creations from the kids! No.. it's just going to be an adjustment from spending carelessly and without much thought and planning. And maybe if all our money is not spent on GAS, you might have a Birthday present after all!!
Posted by Boni Faith Haynes at 7:35 AM 6 comments
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Hoo Hoos
After attending our local La Leche League meeting today, as we do every second Wednesday of the month, I realized that I had never done a post about breastfeeding. I guess it's become just the norm around here since Ava's birth 2 years and almost 4 months ago. Being breastfed myself as a child, (Thanks Mom!) made it just the normal thing to do, and we never put much thought into it, it just happened. Ava had no problems at all and loves her "Hoo hoos" as she has named them, and John has loved every minute of it. Are you reading that last line again? Yes, Ava STILL loves her "Hoo Hoos." We've been tandem nursing since John's birth 7 months ago. It's not something most choose to do but it has worked well for us.
I've yet to figure out why some folks are bothered by breastfeeding. In todays society where you see boobs on tv and in ads everywhere you turn, why are some bothered when they see someone using them for what they were designed for? God has designed the perfect tools for feeding our children, giving them just what they need; not too much, not too little... why not use them? Why would someone WANT to give their little baby formula? Looks like I'm asking a lot of whys... well, why breastfeed?... here's why...
- Breast milk is the most complete form of nutrition for infants. A mother's milk has just the right amount of fat, sugar, water, and protein that is needed for a baby's growth and development. Most babies find it easier to digest breast milk than they do formula.
As a result, breastfed infants grow exactly the way they should. They tend to gain less unnecessary weight and to be leaner. This may result in being less overweight later in life.
Premature babies do better when breastfed
compared to premature babies who are fed formula.
Breastfed babies score slightly higher on IQ tests, especially babies who were born pre-maturely.
Nursing uses up extra calories, making it easier to lose the pounds of pregnancy. It also helps the uterus to get back to its original size and lessens any bleeding a woman may have after giving birth.
Breastfeeding, especially exclusive breastfeeding (no supplementing with formula), delays the return of normal ovulation and menstrual cycles.
Breastfeeding lowers the risk of breast and ovarian cancers, and possibly the risk of hip fractures and osteoporosis after menopause.
Breastfeeding makes your life easier. It saves time and money. You do not have to purchase, measure, and mix formula. There are no bottles to warm in the middle of the night!
A mother can give her baby immediate satisfaction by providing her breast milk when her baby is hungry.
Breastfeeding requires a mother to take some quiet relaxed time for herself and her baby.
Breastfeeding can help a mother to bond with her baby. Physical contact is important to newborns and can help them feel more secure, warm and comforted.
Breastfeeding mothers may have increased self-confidence and feelings of closeness and bonding with their infants.
Breastfeeding saves on health care costs. Total medical care costs for the nation are lower for fully breastfed infants than never-breastfed infants since breastfed infants typically need fewer sick care visits, prescriptions, and hospitalizations.
Breastfeeding contributes to a more productive workforce. Breastfeeding mothers miss less work, as their infants are sick less often. Employer medical costs also are lower and employee productivity is higher.
Breastfeeding is better for our environment because there is less trash and plastic waste compared to that produced by formula cans and bottle supplies.
So, there you go! I'm off to go give someone some Hoo Hoo!
Posted by Boni Faith Haynes at 4:40 PM 7 comments
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Almost "Ping"
After the long winter cold season, the whole family is ready for spring. We spent lots of time outside yesterday, having a picnic, playing in the grass and going for a long stroll downtown. Every time we saw a bird or a flower, Ava said "It's Ping Mama." Yeah! It is almost spring, Ava! The kids are finally getting over the cold/bronchitis mess, but now Daddy has it. No fun!
Spring will bring lots of exciting changes. We should be in the loft fairly soon, (sheetrock is 3/4 done) our church will be downtown, (2 blocks from our loft!) and my favorite... the kids will be growing and doing new things everyday. We are so blessed!
Posted by Boni Faith Haynes at 8:09 AM 1 comments
Monday, March 24, 2008
No more yuckies! Make them go away! Well, we've had an crazy past week or so. Little John was so fussing and very much not himself. After many sleepless nights, I finally broke down and took him to the doctor on Easter Morning. He has bronchitis... no fun. This truly has been the cold that won't go away! He is taking a medicine for his cough and that seems to be helping break up all the yuck in his chest. The Dr. also prescribe an antibiotic, but will wait on that one until absolutely necessary. I thought this article about antibiotic overuse was interesting.
Anyway, on a more fun note.... even though I've almost lost my mind with no sleep... the kids still make me smile. Ava's vocabulary and reasoning skills keep blossoming and I love being able to see inside her little brain. I also am sometimes overwhelmed at how much she looks like me, it's like having flashbacks to my childhood. Weird, but so cool how God makes our kids! John is pulling up and loves to stand. I love the big proud smile that he has when he pulls himself up. It reminds me of my Daddy's proud smile... the one where his nostrils flair a bit and he almost gets teary eyed. I know how happy that look makes me... I hope our kids know how much we love and how proud we are of them.
Posted by Boni Faith Haynes at 6:57 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
What a week so far! Sunday at church started it out with a bang. Ken Freeman, an evangelist from Texas, brought the message and what a message it was! He's very "in your face" about God and salvation, but that was just the message some needed to hear... 15 people were saved! How awesome is that!?!
I do have to admit that Sunday brought some questions into my mind. I think I was wondering.. "Why did it take someone new to bring people to Christ?", "Is our church doing something wrong the other 51 weeks in the year?" I guess I had never really stopped and thought about an evangelist and their role vs. a pastor and his role. The wisdom of my smart husband (Thanks Baby!) and this helped clear up my brain a bit...
"He gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors/teachers."
He states the reason in the next verse:
"to prepare God's people for works of service so that the body of Christ may be built up."
Just like your physical body has different members with different roles (the ear has a work of service to do and the eyes have a role and the hands have a role), each part of the body serves the body at the command of the head.
In the body of Christ, each member serves Christ. He is the head of the body of Christ (Colossians and I Corinthians 12.) The hand cannot say to the eye, "I do not need you." Each member is important for growth.
In the Kingdom (Body) of Christ, it is the same. Each member has a role and each must discover the gift God gives them. They should then use it as Christ commands.
The teacher (pastor/shepherd/Elder) and the preacher (Evangelist) are both proclaimers of God's word but they are different areas of service. The biblical role of pastor/teacher is that of a shepherd; one that tends or cares for the flock. He must also be "qualified to teach" God's word. The Evangelist (preacher) is a proclaimer of the good news of Christ's death, burial and resurrection. He converts sinners. He brings the lost into the flock. The teacher/pastor then cares for them and brings them to maturity. Each area of service is unique.
A bunch of us from Cornerstone are leaving today for Unleash at NewSpring church in South Carolina. Unleash is designed to challenge, encourage, and motivate church leaders to take action to reach their communities for Christ. I'm very excited about how we can use the knowledge we'll gain from this to help grow our church.
Posted by Boni Faith Haynes at 7:48 AM 10 comments
Saturday, March 8, 2008
New set of wheels
We got a double jogging stroller and we love it! I had been looking at them and reading reviews for a while, but they were just too expensive. "Ma" (Norma) bought it for us and for her so that she would have something for both kids. Thanks so much Ma! It's just your basic jogging stroller, but it does have a front swivel wheel. That makes a world of difference. The older single one that we had was so hard to turn and maneuver. This one also collapses easily with the touch of a button, much better that taking the wheels off of the old one. And you know that the fact that it's brown with orange and aqua accents is a plus... my favorites! Now, I really can't wait for spring to get here. Look out New River Trail.... here we come!
Posted by Boni Faith Haynes at 4:09 PM 2 comments
Friday, March 7, 2008
Baby needs a new pair of shoes

Well, Ava loves her "new hoos" and wants to wear them all the time! She wore them to bed during nap time then first day we got them. So I guess I don't have to question the comfort! I'm hoping to have a glory baby open house one evening very soon. But you don't have to wait for the open house... go in and check them out!!
Posted by Boni Faith Haynes at 4:55 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Happy Birthday Travis
Today is the birthday of my best friend, my husband, my hero... my Travis. God has blessed me beyond measure by allowing me to share life with such an awesome man. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to express to him in words, how much he means to me. I adore his sweet and caring heart, his amazing mind, and his quick wit. He has been such a wonderful husband... much better than I deserve, for the past 5 years. I remember thinking on our wedding day, how I could never love him anymore than I did on that day. I was most certainly wrong. Every day my love for him has grown. I love… when he goes out of his way to do something sweet for me, the way he works so hard so that I can stay home, what an incredible Daddy he is to our kids, his heart for God and his one dimple smile that melts my heart. I am so grateful to God for this man. Happy Birthday Baby... I love you.
Posted by Boni Faith Haynes at 12:00 AM 1 comments
Friday, February 29, 2008
First Meal
While I was at band practice trying to be a rock star, John had his first food! PLAY DOUGH!!
Travis and Ava were playing and he was holding John, when he looked down there was a huge chunk of wet, blue, play dough in his hand. We're not sure if it was just sucked on or actually eaten. I guess we'll see in a couple of days! Check out the Smurf tongue!
Posted by Boni Faith Haynes at 9:05 AM 1 comments
Thursday, February 28, 2008
2 2 2 Day!
Well, I'm a bit behind (as usual) but Tuesday was a cool day for Ava. It was 2 2 2 day! Ava loves the number 2, always wanting 2 of everything and saying that everyone is 2 years old. So on Tuesday, she was 2 years, 2 months, and 2 days! Yea, I know... kinda cheesy... but we had fun with it all day!
Posted by Boni Faith Haynes at 7:54 AM 0 comments
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Happy Day Pat-Pat!!
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Today is my step mom's birthday. Dad wanted to do something special for her and she had been watching makeover shows on tv and said how she would like to look different. Well, he asked me for some help and I called my favorite salon.. Hair Classics and we planned a day for her. Well, those of you that know her know that she has cut and colored her own hair for 20 years, so a trip to the salon is a big deal. We tried to keep it a surprise, but on tuesday morning she said she was going to cut and color her hair! Everyone was in on the surprise and tried to tell her how good her hair looked and that it didn't need anything done to it... well that didn't work. So, I hid her color just for insurance so she couldn't do it. Dad finally had to tell her not to do it... he didn't say why just that she couldn't do it.
So on Friday morning Ava & John & I went and picked her up for breakfast. Ava had said a couple of days before that she wanted to take "Pat-Pat" for her "Happy Day" to get a "poomie" (smoothie) at Cones and Coffee. So after our nice breakfast I said.. "Let's walk up to Hair Classics so I can get an appointment for Ava." When we walked in, everyone started singing "Happy Birthday" and Pat was floored!! We told her what was going on and she was so excited... especially that it was Daddy's idea. I did some before pics and listened to Donna say... "let's go red" and Pat saying "NO, NO NO... I want my hair to be it's natural color!" I told her they were going to do her make up and she said.. "No, I want to look the way I always have". What's the point in a makeover Pat Pat?? Well, she had the works!! Cut, color, massage, manicure, and make up. And she did let them make lots of changes. She was at the salon from 11:30-6:30! I think she had a day to remember and she looks awesome. She says she'll be going back. Sorry Dad... I think the days of cheap home hair color are over!!
Posted by Boni Faith Haynes at 10:29 AM 2 comments
Monday, February 18, 2008
The BUG!
Okay, enough already!!! Make it go away!!! Well, as the kids were getting over their colds, I was getting some sort of weird stomach bug. I was only sick in the early morning. If I wasn't extremely nauseous I was throwing up. But during the day I felt great. Yes, I know... nausea in the wee hours of the morning?!?!? No, Baby Haynes # 3 is not on the way. I think God was helping me, He knew I couldn't deal with it during the day with the kids by myself. Travis was so good... holding my hair, bringing the trash can, such an awesome man! Saturday it hit really hard and Grandma Haynes was here and took the kids. I thank God for her! The stuff would not stop coming out... nice huh!! Well, it's over now and I'm praying that the kids or Travis don't get it. It's NO FUN!
My Mom kept the kids on Valentine's Day and Travis and I got to go on a date!! (Thanks Mom!) It was wonderful! We went to Cissy's Food and Friends which just reopened on the 13th. It was where we had our first Valentine's day 6 years ago and our rehearsal dinner before our wedding. It was so nice just to sit and talk and enjoy each other's company in the candlelight. The food was great.. especially my favorite, Cissy's peanut putter pie! I told Travis that the night made me feel like a wife again. With the kids being sick, I've spent most of my time lately in Mama mode. I sure do love being Mrs. Travis Haynes!
Well, I missed church again on Sunday (last week because of the kids colds) and I really needed to hear something good. I looked around online and listened to a couple of podcasts from some churches and from some different people (Beth Moore, Kay Arthur) and nothing really hit me... SO, I clicked on the Cornerstone page and listened to Mike's message that I missed last week and it was exactly what I needed to hear. Way to go Mike! Well, really, way to go God and good job to Mike for listening! Check out his podcasts either on the church website or in itunes. (look for Cornerstone- Galax)
Posted by Boni Faith Haynes at 5:19 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day
Posted by Boni Faith Haynes at 10:42 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
New Fiddle
I DID IT! I bought a new electric violin! I'm so excited! This is a cheapy, but it seems like it will be a good one for me to get back into the game with. All the others are in the $600 and up price range, which we can't do right now. I'm really looking forward to playing again... hope my fingers can remember what to do!
The kids are slowly getting better. Ava and John both slept last night, but were coughing and restless. I think we're on the tail end of this! YEAH!! Now, if Mama and Daddy can keep from getting it!
Posted by Boni Faith Haynes at 8:21 AM 2 comments
Sunday, February 10, 2008
The past few days have been no fun. Ava got a cold and then passed it on the John. Ava is still able to sleep at night, but not John. Poor guy is so stopped up, he can hardly nurse and is very restless if he does sleep. I'll be so glad when this runs it's course and goes away!!
Grandma Haynes is here and was able to keep the kids yesterday while I went to band practice. We are starting a couple of new bands at our church and I am so excited about them. The teenagers are in one of the bands. They have played before and I'm really looking forward to seeing what God has in store for them. And then a few of us "Geezers" that try to act young are going to be in the other one. They've convinced me to pull out my violin. I played for years, but it's been SO long since I really have played... it is molded...literally!!! I'm thinking about getting an electric one, but know nothing about them.
Better go wipe another nose!!!
Posted by Boni Faith Haynes at 1:03 PM 1 comments
Friday, February 8, 2008
Thought for the day
you're in the perfect position to pray.
Posted by Boni Faith Haynes at 9:02 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 7, 2008
One of those days...
Ever had one? Here's a recap of yesterday...
- John woke up early, screamed in the bathroom with me while I took my shower (which was cold)
- With John upset, wasn't able to dry or flat iron my hair, which left me with the post pregnancy, half curly, half straight, sheep dog doo
- Went to get Ava out of her crib... Poopfest of America, she had taken off her diaper...nice
- Thought we'd all take a bath (because it's easier)... they were both screaming by the end
- John was so tired but did not want to go back to sleep... finally got him down about 20 minutes before we had to leave to have lunch with the Cox women
- Got to lunch at Macados... nice to see everyone, pretty uneventful except Ava didn't want to eat... can't really blame her though. I ordered her a cheese pizza and asked the waiter to put some veggies on it... I was thinking broccoli, green peppers, etc.... comes back with tomatoes and lettuce...Who puts lettuce on pizza?
- On the way home John seemed tired... took the long way so he would fall asleep so that getting Ava down for nap would be a bit easier (met my friend Nicole on the road doing the same thing!!) Opened the door to get him out... and there were two sweet little blue eyes looking at me!
- Spent the next two hours trying to get them both to sleep.... one would be almost out, the other would wake up and scream, waking the other (house has no doors!) and round and round we went
- At one point after I'd left Ava in her bed and gone up to get John back to sleep, she started screaming as if something was attacking her. Came down (with John screaming) and she had taken off her diaper and peed in the bed and had tried to take her shirt off, but she had gotten her head out of the hole and behind her but had gotten her arms stuck behind her head and was trapped
- Cleaned the bed AGAIN and got her situated and ENCOURAGED her to go to sleep
- Reading this now makes me want to laugh, but at this point I left them both upset and retreated to the bathroom (the only room with a door) and cried. I called Travis and told him we could not have any more kids and that I could not even handle the ones we had and begin to list all the reasons why I was a terrible mother
- My sweet Travis asked me why I hadn't prayed... I had, but it was one of those desperate pleas for help... not a sincere prayer. I prayed (on the toilet) went back to the kids...told them both how much I loved them and they drifted off to sleep
- I was still shaking in the aftermath of all of this. Travis had called our friend Tanya to come check on me... she came and knocked on the door ( a little loud!) and when I opened the door I almost punched her! But I did not attack my friend and she let me cry and made me laugh and I felt much better (Thanks Tanya!)
- Travis brought home supper which was wonderful (but made me then feel like a bad wife because I didn't get something made) and the evening calmed down a bit... well not really, but it was much more bearable because he was here
Posted by Boni Faith Haynes at 7:24 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Thought I'd share with you a neat tool that I've been using almost a year now... the Cozi Calender. I love it! You all know that I need all the help I can getting organized, and this really helps.
With it you can...
Coordinate everyone’s busy schedules
Sync home and work calendars
Keep all your lists in one place & access them from wherever you are
Get rid of sticky notes and scraps of paper
Effortlessly enjoy your digital family photos
One of my favorite things is the lists. Okay, I write my grocery list.... get kids in car..... get to store.... try to find cart that's not covered in grossness... get inside and take off coats... wonder where the groceries are going to fit in the cart.... then reach for the list.... WHERE IS IT??? I know I put it in here somewhere!?!? Oh no! I'll never remember it all.... I always forget something important like toilet paper! But... with Cozi....never fear! I just reach for the cell phone (which is always there... without it I feel naked!) and call the handy dandy Cozi 800 number... and it will either read me my list or text it to my phone!!! It's the best and it's FREE! Check it out!
Posted by Boni Faith Haynes at 8:59 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Sunday, February 3, 2008
5 months
I've finally done my monthly picture collage of John. I love doing these and looking back at Ava's first year and seeing the similarities and differences between the two. It's amazing how 2 such different little people can come from the same place! I've always loved these verses, but hadn't seen The Message version until recently...
Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out; you formed me in my mother's womb. I thank you, High God—you're breathtaking! Body and soul, I am marvelously made! I worship in adoration—what a creation! You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body; You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something. Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before you, The days of my life all prepared before I'd even lived one day. Psalm 139 13-16

Posted by Boni Faith Haynes at 11:29 PM 0 comments